Friday, October 28, 2005

...Flatulence, reality...and the inner self

Thanks Auntie! There's nothing like a good fart joke to start the day....and the one you just forwarded is definitely top notch. I think part of the universal appeal of flatulence humor is that we all need to be reminded from time to time that our consciousness,... our understanding and appreciation of all outside also, at the same time, quite aware of what's happening independently from what's also rumbling about inside our bodies. These two states of consciousness...the awareness of the inner body....and the awareness of everything else beyond which affects the stimulation of the bodies's have at least one nexus which bridges the two ..."yep!" intense appreciation that the inner body has just expelled enough internal methane to thoroughly pollute the host's immediate environment, and reduce all sensory receptors in the the immediate vicinity to non-working-over load status. The intuitive understanding of what has just happened...that this is how we'll probably smell soon after we are dead...and that...because we can truly appreciate the momentary stench rising about the ultimate affirmation of life...and that we are up the place...and are very much glad to know that we are doing it...and still can. What Joy! Is there anything else to do but laugh? "I FART-THERE FORE-I "STILL" AM!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I farted in the Sauna last week...

10:40 AM  
Blogger PaaSun_lok said...

I'm sure it was a hot time for all in attendence...hope you didn't pop any ear drums.

4:39 PM  

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