The Fish Who Believed In Water
...Long ago and far the deep, dark, coldest depths of the bottomless-shore less sea...there lived a small but thoughtful fish...who swam amongst his kind...and survived as best he could in an eat or be eaten world. If you can accept that words are merely the imperfect shadows of thought...and dreams but the desperate echoes of hope... all tugging for recognition upon the chaotic edges of a very distracted consciousness...then this fish truly existed in a simple, but desperately serious and final universe. "Hungry".."It's food-eat it!"..."Big hungry eater!"..."Run away and hide!". Fish don't really need or want a lot of words and thoughts to get along...and pondering too long and often over even those few, in fact...could get any one of them turned into "food"... before even the simplest sentence has reached a grammatically correct conclusion. it is important to note that this particular fish, while brighter than most of his kind...wasn't all that "smart" by human standards...but not quite as simple and stupid as, perhaps, we enlightened beings would like or even hope to think he was.
And so it happened one day (or rather; "time"-since there is no day or night in the pitch black endless night that cloaks the bottomless sea)...that the little fish had a momentary shift in consciousness and a thought...(Totally unrelated to food or flight)...all of which was quite out of character for a finned-scaled, cold blooded creature of the depths..."Why are we here?...How did we get to this place...What is this place...Is there anything else besides "Darkness and cold"...Where do we finally end up when we stop swimming and start sinking... AND Lastly-but most importantly...WHO MADE IT ALL-and-WHY"?!... He suddenly wondered. Being only a fish, however, these matters were quickly cast aside...since the simple creature lived "in the moment"...had little capacity to learn, remember, or understand...and actually lacked words to describe the very "thoughts"which had so suddenly flickered in and out of his limited consciousness...even if he had. Still, the fish was left with an "inkling" that something was missing...that some deep...important...mystery was gliding back and forth on the outer fridges of his understanding...riding upon felt, but unseen currents like some powerful, black finned eater...just waiting, lurking...and sizing him up as a potential future meal...
Those thoughts were cast aside,though, when the fish suddenly spied a shiny, alien-like, spinning object trolling across his line of sight..."food!...Eat it!"...and he attacked the metallic intruder in one total reflexisive spasm of ferocity. In an instant, he felt a sear of pain as he was "hooked" and yanked up ward by an unseen, but irresistible force. Despite every effort to swim, fin or thrash against the constant tug...he felt himself being drawn inexorably upward through the crushing darkness. Long seconds passed, and the upward rush increased in speed...the surface horizon ahead began to "lighten" and the surrounding water pressure decreased... until he was struggling to remain conscious and felt as if he were turning inside out with the difference between internal and external pressures.
The fish was experiencing the first throes of death as he broke through the shimmering noon- day bright surface of the sea. His last momentary visions were of sea gulls gliding above the waves...and...perhaps...he thought they might be angels...and he saw the foam tossed waves, the clouds scudding above, and blue sky beyond...and perhaps...assumed he'd been carried into heaven...He felt for the first time, the warmth of the tropical sun...glimpsed a flash of it's all encompassing light...and must have been certain he was finally looking into the eyes of God-the creator. It all ended in an instant, though. A restless, frustrated fisherman...looking down on his catch, saw only a small, boney, unappetizing, unpalatable, worthless sea creature...his seizure had been a waste of time, energy and bait..because the fish was certainly not worth keeping. In disgust, he gave the line a sudden, violent snap against the boat and released the fish from the hook. The concussion left a smear of fish blood across the back of the boat, and the watery fluid ran down over the lettering of the boat's name, which was emblazoned in gold lettering across the transom..."THE ST. PETERSBURG"...It was the last thing seen by the little fish before giving into death..Fish don't read, but even so... he didn't really have a chance to grasp the whole irony of the circumstance...even if he had had the intellectual and philosophical gifts to do so.
In that instant before drifting down into the final darkness, we can only hope the fish finally understood that there is another plane of existence beyond his every day consciousness. and that he was falling ever so steadily into the darkening, cooling, crushing depths of the bottomless sea.
It is impossible to appreciate the presence of water...when one's entire existence is spent suspended totally within a liquid world....and when even the very cells of one's body are mostly made up of the same stuff....It is not until we are drawn to a place outside of that reality...where there is no cold or pressure...or pain... that we can know our present realm of existence for what it is....and even then...our ability to understand and perceive limited by our intellect,perceptions...and preconceived notions. Though the existence of such co-existing states of being may be imagined...actually experiencing those realities will result in a one way trip to oblivion. The "true" cost of enlightenment.
We, as I have said already...are not all that much brighter than the fish...and so it is best to not put all that much time and energy into trying to "define" the parameters of God and reality. It's best to be content to know that there "is" a higher power or force that acts upon our reality and brings a modicum of order (even if it is only imagined) to the universal chaos of existence. If it gives you comfort, then believe that we are all part of a great energy force flowing in and out of constantly shifting planes of reality...from the sub-atomic level of protons- electrons and molecules (ever wonder what holds all those atoms together?) to the unimaginable oblivion caused by black holes as they do their work of crunching matter into pure...irretrievable energy (where does it all go?).
I "do" know that when I have been hurt, afraid, hopeless and abandoned,... that I have been comforted by an unseen presence. There have been times when I have been hurrying along, busily distracted...and have felt the subtle tug to attention by that same source...and have been blessed with the view of a glorious sun formation...a mother hugging her child...a shrub growing up through the crack in a stone...or some other earthly miracle. The ability to see, appreciate, and feel those moments is truly proof that "something" exists "some where" beyond our reckoning. I don't expect to understand the details of all that's going on -with in or without my understanding...because I know that I'm not all that much brighter than the little fish. Perhaps, though...given enough time...human beings will one day progress, evolve, a point where they will attain a higher understanding of the nature of the universe and of God. Until that time, I can only do my small part to help humanity along on its long journey towards the final enlightenment. If I live as well as I can..find a worthy mate,...honor and care for her and our relationship..and raise children with with love and positive values which will serve them in carrying on the genetic string (finding their own mates) Then I have done my part and fulfilled my obligation to what ever higher power exists...If there is "one" great goal of is to survive and carry on...and, hopefully, improve along the way...One day we may find ourselves finally looking into the eyes of God...We can only hope that when the moment arrives, we are ready -and are finally capable of understanding and appreciating the answers to all of life's mysteries.
And so it happened one day (or rather; "time"-since there is no day or night in the pitch black endless night that cloaks the bottomless sea)...that the little fish had a momentary shift in consciousness and a thought...(Totally unrelated to food or flight)...all of which was quite out of character for a finned-scaled, cold blooded creature of the depths..."Why are we here?...How did we get to this place...What is this place...Is there anything else besides "Darkness and cold"...Where do we finally end up when we stop swimming and start sinking... AND Lastly-but most importantly...WHO MADE IT ALL-and-WHY"?!... He suddenly wondered. Being only a fish, however, these matters were quickly cast aside...since the simple creature lived "in the moment"...had little capacity to learn, remember, or understand...and actually lacked words to describe the very "thoughts"which had so suddenly flickered in and out of his limited consciousness...even if he had. Still, the fish was left with an "inkling" that something was missing...that some deep...important...mystery was gliding back and forth on the outer fridges of his understanding...riding upon felt, but unseen currents like some powerful, black finned eater...just waiting, lurking...and sizing him up as a potential future meal...
Those thoughts were cast aside,though, when the fish suddenly spied a shiny, alien-like, spinning object trolling across his line of sight..."food!...Eat it!"...and he attacked the metallic intruder in one total reflexisive spasm of ferocity. In an instant, he felt a sear of pain as he was "hooked" and yanked up ward by an unseen, but irresistible force. Despite every effort to swim, fin or thrash against the constant tug...he felt himself being drawn inexorably upward through the crushing darkness. Long seconds passed, and the upward rush increased in speed...the surface horizon ahead began to "lighten" and the surrounding water pressure decreased... until he was struggling to remain conscious and felt as if he were turning inside out with the difference between internal and external pressures.
The fish was experiencing the first throes of death as he broke through the shimmering noon- day bright surface of the sea. His last momentary visions were of sea gulls gliding above the waves...and...perhaps...he thought they might be angels...and he saw the foam tossed waves, the clouds scudding above, and blue sky beyond...and perhaps...assumed he'd been carried into heaven...He felt for the first time, the warmth of the tropical sun...glimpsed a flash of it's all encompassing light...and must have been certain he was finally looking into the eyes of God-the creator. It all ended in an instant, though. A restless, frustrated fisherman...looking down on his catch, saw only a small, boney, unappetizing, unpalatable, worthless sea creature...his seizure had been a waste of time, energy and bait..because the fish was certainly not worth keeping. In disgust, he gave the line a sudden, violent snap against the boat and released the fish from the hook. The concussion left a smear of fish blood across the back of the boat, and the watery fluid ran down over the lettering of the boat's name, which was emblazoned in gold lettering across the transom..."THE ST. PETERSBURG"...It was the last thing seen by the little fish before giving into death..Fish don't read, but even so... he didn't really have a chance to grasp the whole irony of the circumstance...even if he had had the intellectual and philosophical gifts to do so.
In that instant before drifting down into the final darkness, we can only hope the fish finally understood that there is another plane of existence beyond his every day consciousness. and that he was falling ever so steadily into the darkening, cooling, crushing depths of the bottomless sea.
It is impossible to appreciate the presence of water...when one's entire existence is spent suspended totally within a liquid world....and when even the very cells of one's body are mostly made up of the same stuff....It is not until we are drawn to a place outside of that reality...where there is no cold or pressure...or pain... that we can know our present realm of existence for what it is....and even then...our ability to understand and perceive limited by our intellect,perceptions...and preconceived notions. Though the existence of such co-existing states of being may be imagined...actually experiencing those realities will result in a one way trip to oblivion. The "true" cost of enlightenment.
We, as I have said already...are not all that much brighter than the fish...and so it is best to not put all that much time and energy into trying to "define" the parameters of God and reality. It's best to be content to know that there "is" a higher power or force that acts upon our reality and brings a modicum of order (even if it is only imagined) to the universal chaos of existence. If it gives you comfort, then believe that we are all part of a great energy force flowing in and out of constantly shifting planes of reality...from the sub-atomic level of protons- electrons and molecules (ever wonder what holds all those atoms together?) to the unimaginable oblivion caused by black holes as they do their work of crunching matter into pure...irretrievable energy (where does it all go?).
I "do" know that when I have been hurt, afraid, hopeless and abandoned,... that I have been comforted by an unseen presence. There have been times when I have been hurrying along, busily distracted...and have felt the subtle tug to attention by that same source...and have been blessed with the view of a glorious sun formation...a mother hugging her child...a shrub growing up through the crack in a stone...or some other earthly miracle. The ability to see, appreciate, and feel those moments is truly proof that "something" exists "some where" beyond our reckoning. I don't expect to understand the details of all that's going on -with in or without my understanding...because I know that I'm not all that much brighter than the little fish. Perhaps, though...given enough time...human beings will one day progress, evolve, a point where they will attain a higher understanding of the nature of the universe and of God. Until that time, I can only do my small part to help humanity along on its long journey towards the final enlightenment. If I live as well as I can..find a worthy mate,...honor and care for her and our relationship..and raise children with with love and positive values which will serve them in carrying on the genetic string (finding their own mates) Then I have done my part and fulfilled my obligation to what ever higher power exists...If there is "one" great goal of is to survive and carry on...and, hopefully, improve along the way...One day we may find ourselves finally looking into the eyes of God...We can only hope that when the moment arrives, we are ready -and are finally capable of understanding and appreciating the answers to all of life's mysteries.
I think you may have something here. Children of God... Pshaw! From now on, I'm going to refer to the "Fish of God." We are all God's Fish...
Can you make the font bigger for all of the eyesight-challenged people? Carol
In your browser, go to "view ---> text size" and you should be able to adjust it.
besides the fact that the font's too small and the white against black background has given me visions not intended by your epistle, i do believe you have touched upon some things of note. yes, we are little fish in a big sea. and yes, your living well as spouse and father/mother is indeed a worthy start. and it may be fulfillment for you personally. but are you suggesting that it should be fulfillment for all? for if so, then i may have to disagree with you. but i'll wait for further posts and/or clarification.
Alright, I changed the font size from "normal" to "large." I think it looks awful, but then again I have young eyes. We'll work on customizing the blog a bit later on if god_sez finds that he enjoys this venue.
I can't speak for the blogger of course, but I did not get the impression that he is intolerant of lifestyles which differ from his own. I think he meant that God is all around us,like water is all around the fish and that we should choose to live a life that draws on the divinity available to us. I don't think that god_sez would argue that a family is the only source of joy or spiritual awareness.
God here: Sorry to be so late in replying, but "Heck!" You can't possibly imagine the distractions that an omnipotent being encounters in the course of supervising "EVERYTHING".
In answer to your thoughtful comments greg: I don't really give a good ME damn one way or the other what "you" do with your life...all that really matters to ME is that enough of you insignificant human beings survive long enough to pass along your genetic material to another generation...and if in the course of screwing your brains out and partaking in the many forms of debauchery your like seems to enjoy so luck out and happen to impregnate a female with complimentary-and most likely, superior genes to your provide some service that will increase the little zygot's chances of survival...or "EVEN"...pass on some behavioral pointers which might possibly help the developing brat do a little bit better in his go at life than you did..."THEN" one day...perhaps one of your kind will be capable of generating an interesting conversation with me...or at least providing a half way decent checkers partner...even being the all mighty perfection that I am...gets to be a bit boring after a while...The only one to talk to is me...and I already know everything that was-is-and will be...So I'll be glad when your kind finally smartens up and appreciates all this neat trivia I've been sitting on since the lights came on.
And Jessica...I'll be keeping an eye on you...I think you may actually "get it" if we can just work on all of those other heathenistic inclinations of yours...perhaps I won't have to lay waste to your lawn or back up your septic tank in devine retribution for squandering your Me given gifts.
If you can get a fine for impersonating a police officer, I wonder what you get for posing as the ultimate authority... ;-)
Jessica...I'd show you my nifty "GOD" badge...but you'd probably doubt the reality and ligitimacy of that "TOO".
God without the dess, No, I’m sorry. I can’t buy your medicine today. Your suggestions might be fine for the so-called Garden, but I think you’re too little too late. Too much has gone down since those edenic days: like the assembly line, division of labor, and whatnot. It’s just not that simple, and oh if it were. Meanwhile global warming is taking care of any apocalyptic vision you may have once had and when that cat-7 comes slouching this way no little house on the prairie is going to advance that zygote one iota. No, we’re all in this forever and together, and you know you’re somewhat to blame as well as the rest of us. Your egotistical insistence on being the walking one and only ain’t helping us you know. We seem to think that nature is the enemy but that little guy pogo from a long ways back had it right. We have met the enemy and he is us. Well, your priests and I’d say priestesses but ever since you killed the goddesses, well you botched that one too. No, things are bit too complicated down here for that kind of innocence. Not that it isn’t important and righteous and necessary and healthy and soulful and life-confirming amen. But the first thing we got to do is get rid of you my friend. You’re a bad illusion. Oh, we’ll keep the mystery and spirit and soul. We’re just throwing out that dirty bathwater of paternalistic western anti-nature monotheistic hogwash that’s destroying Mother Earth. We’ll keep Henry and Black Elk and others of that ilk. Look, don’t take it personally, OK. It’s not like I’m saying you’re dead or anything. I’m just saying what you were saying. The grass is god. And the winds are god. And the rivers and the oceans and the sky. And me and you and he and she. And it. No, not it. There are no its. No more objectifying anything. Everything is a subject, and it’s name is God.
Yeah, all is one. I am the light and the light is me. So on and so forth. Amen.
I think we should keep "God" around just to play with him. Sometimes when we construct a dichotomy, say "masculine" and "feminine," God and Goddess, new possibilities present themselves.
The greatest luxuries are born from contrast, a warm blanket on a cold night, a hot pizza after a skipped lunch, etc.
Rather than disposing of the God principle, why not elevate the Goddess to sit beside him?
...Introduction to "The Randomness of Time"
Let's take a few moments and respond to the recent comments made by thoughtful readers Greg and Jess.
First of all, it's important for everyone to step back...take a deep...(a very deep) breath...let it out slowly...and try for one moment to think less like a "mortal" and more like..."ME" . Greg, you bemoan the fact that things are going to Hell all around you...your's and even all of humanities's existence is currently being threatened by a number of nasty forces, including-but not limited to: the effects of global warming, the rumbling caused by shifting continents (plate tectonics), or the possible reunion tour of those old reliable stand by's...the dreaded four horsemen of the apocalypse.(nuclear) war...famine...disease...and conservative talk radio. Throw in a dash of religious hypocrisy, coupled with the lack of fervor and focus demonstrated by many western main stream religions/philosophies,...and consider also, the ever eroding lack of ethics - values within most modern day societies, and one can easily see how "things" might be drifting toward some kind of worrisome tipping point in the very near future....add in the rabid inclinations of some middle eastern sects...who have decided to advance medieval ideas and attitudes with the help of modern technology ("...Is that a nuclear suit case bomb in your loin cloth Abdul-or are you just glad to see me?") ...and I can see why you or any other sentient being might be concerned about the immediate future of humanity.
I'd like to pat you all on the back for sizing up the ever growing dangers and vulnerability of man kind's current predicament...but I won't...because...the threat of extinction has "ALWAYS" been an immediate "AND" obvious possibility (just like it was for that little "fish")...You think I'm just blowing smoke?! Consider my eons long track record...the great permian kill off about 500 million years ago(your time)..I made a bunch of jelly fish, trilobites and mud worms...and let them swim about for a while, but decided they really weren't happening or going any where (evolution wise) I just snuffed'em...that's right...I took out everything right down to the sludge covering the bottom of that long ago tropical sea. Back to the drawing board. I gave the dinosaurs a shot...and they did pretty well...for a while...they got a "lot" bigger...but not a whole lot about 67 million years ago (your time)-I sent them an asteroid-gram- just to let them know their time was up...Did I feel bad about it? Gee...How much remorse do you feel after deleting an old, poorly written e-mail? Some birds, other reptiles, fish and a few fuzzy mammals managed to survive that little opus, which still left me a bit of protoplasm to play with...eventually, long story-short, (since as far as you're concerned-it's all about you) homo sapiens became the dominant life form on this orb...but just barely...that Great Ice age cold snap about 56k years ago (your time) took your kind down to a precious few individuals-perhaps as few a thousand (I never bothered to actually count) The few that survived did so because they "evolved"...they mastered new ways of doing things. They made better tools, and created more sophisticated ways of working together to increase the survivability of all their kind...they "discovered" art...and began dabbling in advanced problem solving, language and other abstract ideas...and I thought...Hmmm...maybe this form of life has potential...let's see what they manage to develop into...and so..I haven't as yet...given my great cosmic Etch-a-sketch a shake and turned your kind in to so much picture dust gathered on the bottom of the big red box...but don't get "Too" cocky...Whenever I feel the need to speed up the old evolutionary clock with a swift kick in the ass...or perform some other flamboyant display of devine retribution...just to shake things up...It's going to happen. So...above all- remember...I only have so much patience...and you only have so much "Time". Which brings me..."finally" to my real point..."The Randomness of Time". Stay tuned.
Yeah, really. I'd like to hear a little bit about why God is a Republican.
So when are we going to see Carol's Comments in a blog of her own?
...oh, and God just *thinks* he is a Republican... same as Republicans just think they're God.
Hey look. First all those other apocalyptic smashes you talk of were part of the dance. Then second of all, this next doozy is our own riff. All because we think you're some kind of separate entity. OK, maybe I was kind of hard on you. But I was being hard on the you that we, or some of we, have concocted out of you. Good thing you're you, because I know you can follow this.
...If there ever can be any proof at all of my limitless wisdom and understanding-let it be that I am actually able to follow what it is that you "think" you just said...Look, if or when I decide to finally drop the "big one" on the world and humanity in particular...don't be bitter or take it all personally...It's just part of the "Biz"..."That's enough!...Thanks for coming out to audition...don't call (ME) I'll call you."
Jessica, I didnt mean to ignore you in my last comment. It's just etiquette to address god first after all. Despite the sarcasm, yes, I am the walrus. I agree that the goddess is sitting with the god principle wahtever you or i decide. But more than that, there's a polytheistic reality out there including not only blankets and pizza but guiness and o mi god oil even. On that very moment that our violent culture likes to call the big bang rather than the gentle sigh his/her/its breath expanded into the nothingness and became somethingness. Everything. Not just one thing. So not only am I the light. Or you're the light. But the grass is the light. And this keyboard is the light. And the dark is the light. And yes, amen.
Call the miracle grass, rocks, sun light, warmth...water...what ever...they are only illusions. The reality "IS" that ...everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING")...Is actually pure energy...little bits of electrified particles (electrons, protons, neutrons) held together in their orbits by the forces of gravity (a strong force of gravity...and another, weak force of gravity)...the more tightly packed the particles, and their orbits are in relation to each other...the more solid the item they're a part of seems to be. To give a small idea of how much energy is needed to keep these particles in their regular orbits...consider that the hydrogen atom- the simplist atomic construction known to us...and the basis of the lightest gas/element- (not even close to being a solid) releases so much energy when its single particle is split out of it's orbit...that the suddenly freed power escapes in all directions at once and becomes the classic, mushroom cloud-hydrogen bomb explosion. "A REALLY Big "BOOM!" Kinda makes you wonder how much energy is just humming and vibrating all about us...holding this "reality" of ours in place. If there was no order to it all...if all energy was just randomly bouncing about without capturing and alligning any of these particles...then there would be "NOTHING" except total "CHAOS"...Hey! does that discription sound familiar? Ever read it any where else before? Some times...even if you're not a need a light.
Ok mr. sez, i think we're coming to some kind of understanding. as usual it's probably a difference in language. yes, illusion. but damn it it's my illusion and i love it. but youre absolutely right about these tiny particles. Ever read the Tao of Physics. Great book by the way, and somewhere it describes a hydrogen atom. If an atom were the size of the Houston Astrodome, the matter in its core would fit on the head of a pin. The rest is empty space. But I digress. I think the key is this: Not only is our vision of reality an illusion, our underlying understanding of its science is an illusion. In other words, that atom and its components that we measure in some scientic materialistic way are not things to be measured in such a way. Because those things are SPIRIT!!! It's a double illusion.
I think you're correct in that we've pretty much beaten the whole subject of Particle Theory to a pulp. The analogy I prefer, says that if one put a soft ball on home plate at Fen Way Park...the outer shell of electrons would be located in down town Chicago..."Yep!" There's a whole lot of holy-moly energy expended just keeping all that empty space from drifting away... and then you can really muck things up by getting into the whole realm of "sub-atomic" particles...which are too small to even be measured (all we can ever hope to "see" are the fading electric tracks left as they skim like ghostly stones across the great waterless lake that is the vacuum emptiness of "everything")...since they move too fast to be seen...faster even, than the speed of light (which also really screws up that old E=MC2 thing...since nothing is supposed to go fater than the speed of light...(in this time and realm of existence as you understand and experience it)
There's really no point in arguing any way...since sooner or later...every one who wanders down this path ends up bumping into the "Heisenburg uncertainty Princible'...which generally states that you can never know for "certain" what the exact measurements of anything are, since just the act of measuring them will distort or completely change what ever it is that you're measuring.
So! With all these slippery little pissant particles to worry everything else to keep track of and keep you "really" think I "CARE" what mortals call me...or do to suck up to me...or do to "try" influencing me? I'd tell you I don't have the "time" for such silly minutae...but those mini particles have no respect or use for our concept of "time" anyways...and I am "The Big Guy"...and have never needed it in the first place....only things that wear out, run down, change or die...have an inkling of time passing...when you're's just more of the "same-ole-same-ole".
I's say "bye"...but I have a sinking feeling you guys aren't going to just let this go....and drift off to a well deserved and ever so "timely" death
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